花火の音と、花火大会会場の雰囲気を、実際の「花火大会」さながら、高音質で聴かせる‟ASMR"特番です。昨年12月と今年2月に放送した、「たき火の音」を高音質で流し続けた『たき火特番』と、今年4月の「チャーハンを炒める音」を高音質で流し続けた『チャーハン特番』に次ぐ‟ASMR"特番の第4弾となります。今回も、"音のプロ"である文化放送の音声技術スタッフが「3Dオーディオ」技術を駆使して、音声が耳に伝わってくる位置を細部にわたってこだわり、演出・編集しました。「花火大会」ということで、これまでと異なり空間が大きく広がったため、花火大会会場で聴く花火の音だけでなく、2時間の特番の随所で、花火の上や横、さらに打ち上がった花火の中にいるかのような感覚が味わえる演出も行うなど、「ラジオでしかできない」、「AM放送では実現できない仕上がり」の花火大会となっています。This is an "ASMR special program" that allows you to hear the sound of fireworksand the atmosphere of the fireworks display venue with high-quality sound as ifit were an actual fireworks display. The "Bonfire Special Program" that wasbroadcast in December last year and February this year with "Sound of bonfire"in high quality, and the "Fried rice Special Program" that continued to stream"Sound of fried rice" in April this year in high quality It will be the fourthof the "ASMR" special program next to. Also this time, the audio technologystaff of "Broadcasting Sound", a cultural broadcaster, made full use of the "3Daudio" technology to carefully produce and edit the position where the audio isheard in the ear. Since it is a “fireworks festival”, the space has expandedgreatly, so not only the sound of fireworks heard at the fireworks festivalvenue, but also the fireworks above and next to the fireworks and at variousplaces of the special program for 2 hours. It is a fireworks display that "canonly be done by radio" and "a finish that cannot be achieved by AMbroadcasting", including the production of a feeling of being inside.
詳細情報を見る文化放送 ASMR特番 - ASMR Special Programs by PodcastQR