Notebook reaches 200 episodes! The system logging traffic coming in and goingout of the central Japanese Port of Nagoya was hit by a ransomware attack onTuesday, by the Russia-based hacker group LockBit. The International AtomicEnergy Agency IAEA opened an office at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant onWednesday monitoring the safe discharge of treated radioactive water into thePacific Ocean. A river running Ikoma in Nara prefecture turned a bright greenthis week. And police arrested a 35-year-old man for stealing 1,500 Pokemontrading cards worth 1.15 million JPY (8,000 USD) from a store in Akihabara. Withtoday marking 200 episodes of Notebook and the start of this summer’s Tanabata(or Star) Festival, we scan the art events happening this weekend — from TokyoGendai in Yokohama, to Tennozu Artweek at WHAT Museum, even Koji Nakano at XYZCollective — and visit Kishimojin temple in Zoshigaya and its summer festivalhappening this weekend.—Substack: notebookpodcast.substack.comInstagram: @notebook_podTwitter: @notebook_pod—Get in touch: notebook.podcast@gmail.comLeave a message: speakpipe.com/notebook—
詳細情報を見るNOTEBOOK — Arts Culture Tourism from Tokyo