Renowned Japanese author Seiichi Morimura, known for works including the novel"Ningen no Shomei" (Proof of the Man) and his nonfiction work "Akuma no Hoshoku"(The Devil's Gluttony), has died of pneumonia at a hospital in Tokyo aged 90.The head of a man found dead in a Sapporo hotel earlier this month has beenrecovered from the home of a doctor who was arrested along with his daughter onsuspicion of murder. And a giant maze made from 50,000 sunflowers has opened inthe city of Tendo, Yamagata Prefecture north of Tokyo. Meanwhile, the 57thKatsushika Noryo hanabi taikai, or fireworks festival, returned to the east ofTokyo for the first time in 4 years. Notebook visited and looked on as peopleclung to lampposts clambering to catch sight of the sky filling with explosions,one deafening boom at a time.—Substack: notebookpodcast.substack.comInstagram: @notebook_podTwitter: @notebook_pod—Get in touch: notebook.podcast@gmail.comLeave a message: speakpipe.com/notebook—
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