The current Chief Executive of Hong Kong has said that it will ban the import ofJapanese seafood should treated water from the disaster-crippled nuclear powerplant in Fukushima be released into the ocean. In Japan, so-called ‘SearchFunds’ are helping entrepreneurs restart aging businesses. And the legendarymanga artist Kazuo Umezz has been reunited with works drawn as a teenager andthought lost, years before making his manga-ka debut. And with wind chimesdotted throughout Nihonbashi for the “Eco-Edo Nihonbashi” project that runsuntil September, current art exhibitions like “Interconnection” at MitsukoshiContemporary Gallery and 'joiner' photo prints by David Hockney at NishimuraGallery, opening this weekend alongside the David Hockney retrospective atTokyo's MOT Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, it is the iconic Nihonbashi Bridgewhich joins past with present from old Edo to present-day Tokyo.—Substack: notebookpodcast.substack.comInstagram: @notebook_podTwitter: @notebook_pod—Get in touch: notebook.podcast@gmail.comLeave a message: speakpipe.com/notebook—
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